Get involved!

The ALPENZOO is successfully involved in the breeding and conservation of endangered and threatened species, and cares for many injured wild animals that need our help. Our aims also include research and teaching: we want to pass on our knowledge to future generations and teach them about the diversity, beauty and uniqueness of our native wildlife. Regular donations help us to plan better for the future and ensure the continuity of projects. Any amount, however small, is a great support for us! We need your support to continue our work at the Alpenzoo, our scientific projects, species protection and animal welfare work.


With your animal sponsorship you not only support a sponsored animal, but you also help the Alpine Zoo to continue the high quality in the keeping and breeding of native wild animals and old Alpine domestic animal breeds. The minimum duration is one month. The sponsorship begins with the payment!

We thank you on behalf of all our animals!

with a monthly sponsorship:

  • a certificate of your sponsorship
  • detailed information about your sponsored animal

additionally, with an annual sponsorship:

  • Naming on the sponsorship plaque in the ALPENZOO
  • an annual free pass
  • invitation to our “Sponsorship Day”

For private individuals, the costs for a sponsored animal range from EUR 10 to EUR 75 per month

Your sponsorship begins with your payment (monthly or one-off):
IBAN: AT06 2050 3012 0000 0907 (BIC SPIHAT22)

Select your sponsored animal from the animal list. Send us your online registration form or the completed Sponsor folder, which you can also hand in at the zoo ticket office.

We offer companies the opportunity to sponsor one or more animals. With an animal sponsorship, you will reach approx. 300,000 visitors per year at the Alpenzoo!

Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei all unseren Paten, die uns unterstützen: Liste Tierpatenschaften – November 2024


We would be delighted if you would be interested in sponsoring ALPENZOO. We are happy to offer you the opportunity to sponsor an animal enclosure of your choice, for example. Benefit with your product/company from the popularity and high image of the ALPENZOO among the Tyrolean population.

For more information, please make an appointment with our Director, Dr Andre Stadler. Direktor Dr. André Stadler.


We would be delighted if you would be interested in supporting the ALPENZOO. With your support, you help to maintain and develop the work of the zoo. Your generous donation will enable us to improve the living conditions of our animals, and offer visitors an unforgettable experience. We cordially invite you to become part of our support community, and to actively help shape the ALPENZOO.

For more information or to discuss your support, please make an appointment with our Director, Dr Andre Stadler.

Kleine Geste, große Wirkung!

Mach unseren Tieren eine Freude! Wähle ein Wunschkärtchen aus und unterstütze den Alpenzoo mit einer Spende für dringend benötigte Spielzeuge oder Pflegeartikel.
Duration of the sponsorship:

We are delighted by every donation!

IBAN AT06 2050 3012 0000 0907

Your donation helps us to protect and care for the animals at the Alpenzoo. Support our work and contribute to the conservation of Alpine wildlife. Donate today!

Alpenzoo Care App

With our app you can find out exciting information about the animals - we have prepared funny profiles, breathtaking films, 3D models and exciting missions. Get involved with our digital zoo guide and experience the Innsbruck Alpine Zoo as you've never seen it before!