Unit prices
Adults € 15,00
Students € 12,00
(with ID)
Pensioners € 12,00
(with ID)
Adults with disabilities € 8,00
(50 - 70%) Die Begleitperson von einer Person mit Behinderung (Eintrag im Behindertenpass) bekommt den selben Rabatt.
Children € 8,00
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 3,50
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Group prices from 10 persons
Adults € 14,00
Students € 11,00
(with ID)
Pensioners € 11,00
(with ID)
Adults with disabilities € 7,00
(50 - 70%)
Children € 7,00
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 3,00
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Annual pass
Adults € 70,00
Students € 50,00
(with ID)
Pensioners € 50,00
(with ID)
Children € 35,00
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 35,00
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Free admission
Rollstuhlfahrer & Erwachsene mit Behinderung (71-100%)
Die Begleitperson von einer Person mit Behinderung (Eintrag im Behindertenpass) bekommt freien Eintritt.
ReiseleiterInnen & BusfahrerInnen mit Gruppe
Accompanied teachers
School classes have 2 accompanying persons free for the first 20 pupils, from the 21st pupil 3 accompanying persons
Holders of the “Innsbruck Card”
Members of the association “Friends of the Alpenzoo”
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Combi ticket
Available at the base station of the Hungerburgbahn (Congress Innsbruck), show your car park ticket when purchasing the combined ticket
Ride on the Hungerburgbahn section I (there/back) + admission to the zoo
Adults € 23,00
Seniors € 20,00
(66+ mit Ausweis)
Students € 20,00
(19-27 Jahre mit Ausweis)
Youths € 18,00
16-18 years
Children € 14,00
(6 - 15 Jahre)
Infants € 5,00
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Unit prices
Adults € 15,00
Students € 12,00
(with ID)
Pensioners € 12,00
(with ID)
Adults with disabilities € 8,00
(50 - 70%) Die Begleitperson von einer Person mit Behinderung (Eintrag im Behindertenpass) bekommt den selben Rabatt.
Children € 8,00
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 3,50
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Group prices from 10 persons
Adults € 14,00
Students € 11,00
(with ID)
Pensioners € 11,00
(with ID)
Adults with disabilities € 7,00
(50 - 70%)
Children € 7,00
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 3,00
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Genießen Sie die letzte Stunde im Zoo zu einem reduzierten Preis! Unser Feierabendticket ist ideal, um den Tag entspannt mit einem Besuch bei unseren Tieren ausklingen zu lassen. Das Ticket ist immer in der letzten Stunde vor Zooschluss erhältlich.
Perfekt für Spontanbesuche und Kurzentschlossene – wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Adults € 9,00 | 8,40
Students € 7,20 | 6,60
(with ID)
Pensioners € 7,20 | 6,60
(with ID)
Children € 4,80 | 4,20
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 2,10 | 1,80
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Annual pass
Adults € 70,00
Students € 50,00
(with ID)
Pensioners € 50,00
(with ID)
Children € 35,00
(6 - 17 years)
Infants € 35,00
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Combi ticket
Available at the base station of the Hungerburgbahn (Congress Innsbruck), show your car park ticket when purchasing the combined ticket
Ride on the Hungerburgbahn section I (there/back) + admission to the zoo
Adults € 23,00
Seniors € 20,00
(66+ mit Ausweis)
Students € 20,00
(19-27 Jahre mit Ausweis)
Youths € 18,00
16-18 years
Children € 14,00
(6 - 15 Jahre)
Infants € 5,00
(4 - 5 years)
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
Free admission
Rollstuhlfahrer & Erwachsene mit Behinderung (71-100%)
Die Begleitperson von einer Person mit Behinderung (Eintrag im Behindertenpass) bekommt freien Eintritt.
ReiseleiterInnen & BusfahrerInnen mit Gruppe
Accompanied teachers
School classes have 2 accompanying persons free for the first 20 pupils, from the 21st pupil 3 accompanying persons
Holders of the “Innsbruck Card”
Members of the association “Friends of the Alpenzoo”
- Please note that you are not allowed to take dogs into the zoo!
HYPO-Bärenmobil can be booked for zoo tours!
The “HYPO Bärenmobil” offers space for a maximum of 5 people; registration is required.
Mit einem Pauschalpreis von € 100,- haben ZoobesucherInnen, für die die Wege bis zum höchsten Punkt des Alpenzoo vielleicht zu mühsam sind, Gelegenheit für einen Besuch mit Führung.
The HYPO Bärenmobil offers space for a maximum of 5 people; registration is required.
The Bärenmobil can be booked from May to October.
Pre-booking (at least 1 month in advance)
Preis € 100 + regulärer Zooeintritt
Children’s birthday party
(for children aged 6 and over, maximum 10 children)
- Adventure tour through the Alpenzoo
- Children’s snack (sausages, chips or toast with a drink)
- Gift for the birthday child
- Something sweet for all the other children
Children’s birthday parties take place Monday - Saturday afternoon
(information via the
Office) and last approx. 2 hours with a snack. Appointment subject to prior
Childcare fee EUR 65.00 plus EUR 15.00 – per child. One accompanying person
goes free!
Registration in the office with Ms Kölli or Ms Baumann
Tel.: 0512/ 29 23 23 (8.00 – 12.00 Uhr)

The “Hans Psenner” Hall