Nature and species conservation represent one of the central tasks of a zoological garden, especially in a world in which so many species have become rare and intact habitats are disappearing. Zoos try to fulfil this task through public relations work and participation in research and animal welfare projects. With the help of coordinated European Endangered Species Programmes (EEP), genetically stable “reserve populations” are maintained in zoos, which can then be made available for well-planned and supervised reintroduction programmes in national parks, nature reserves and intact habitats.

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Alpenzoo Care App

Mit unserer App erfahren Sie spannende Information zu den Tieren – wir haben witzige Steckbriefe, atemberaubende Filmchen, 3D-Modelle und spannende Missionen vorbereitet. Lassen Sie sich auf unseren digitalen Zoo-Führer ein und erleben Sie den Innsbrucker Alpenzoo so, wie Sie ihn noch nie gesehen haben!